Museum of Internal Fire

Whilst on holiday to the west coast of Wales I set aside some time to visit the Museum of internal fire; from our participation in the Museums On The Air event earlier in the year I knew they had set up a radio station as they had hosted the museums event on their servers and taken part in the event from the museum. The exhibits are quite incredible featuring enormous engines restored to full working order and running! Exhibits including a 3 mega watt power station driven by a jet engine and donated by Rolls Royce in Bristol.

The radio Station is set up in a wooden Shack surrounded by Antennas put up by the local amateur radio community and I was invited by Lloyd (2W0LLT) to operate the Rohde & Schwarz XK2100L; after some time listening on the 40m band we achieved a QSO with G0VTG near London. The museum website:

Radio station details can be found on, search for GB2MOP.

Museum of Fire Radio Shack

Museum of Fire Radio Shack

The radio Shack also contains some Marconi Racal equipment which they are hoping to restore and work in the coming months. Well worth a visit.


One thought on “Museum of Internal Fire

  1. A 3 mega watt power station…. Ah, of course, it must be to power their amplifier. That’s why the shack is so big 🙂

    But more seriously, it sounds like they have some great equipment. What is the antenna? It looks like a commercial variant of a Cobweb?


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