We are planning to restart club meetings at the Chantry. Initially we are considering a fortnightly meeting on the usual Wednesday (1st and 3rd). The first meeting back is now planned for the 16th September. The first meeting will be purely a social meeting. Please let the Secretary know whether you plan to attend, this will allow us to estimate whether it is financially viable to run meetings presently. The 2nd, 4th and 5th Wednesday of each month will continue to be a Zoom meeting for members.
The following Terms and Conditions shall be adhered to;
- No attendance at club if you are showing any signs of COVID-19 or have been told to isolate for any other reason.
- All members are to perform their own personal risk assessment as to whether they should or should not attend. This should be at a level such that the individual member feels safe. Guidance if required please contact either the Secretary, Vice Chairman or Treasurer.
- Tables and other surfaces to be sanitised before club starts at 7:30pm. The room will be ventilated by all means possible i.e. doors and windows open.
- No attendance before 7:30pm. This will allow for two members to setup and sanitise the room from 7:00pm.
- Masks to be worn at all times.
- No Tea and Coffee facilities will be available. Members can bring their own ready made beverage in a suitable container.
- No change will be given for Subs or Membership fees, any balance will be added to your account. Please Pre-pay if possible.
- All members shall use hand sanitiser upon entry or re-entry to the room, which will be provided by the Chantry at the entry to the Buckingham room.
- Only one member in the shack at any time and only one member to use the shack radio equipment per week.
- Please respect social distancing when using the other facilities within the building/s (e.g. Toilets and Halls).
The above will be regularly re-assessed and either added to or amended as required by the committee.
All members who have not yet paid their yearly membership fee will be required to do so before the end of October.
Garry G7NVZ Vice-Chairman on behalf of the committee.