In preparation for tonight’s talk on WSPR experiments, the club antenna has been transmitting at 200mw (20dbm) so that live data from DX explorer is available. Band conditions during the early hours were good and a signal was received by DP0GVN in the antarctic at 04:04 am. sn ratio -28dbm around 0.001mw .
John m0hfh
Appologies I wasn’t around last evening. I so wanted to come to this. Still struggling with tail end of flu. As you know I’m a huge fan of this. So much so this morning I’ve ordered a classic WSPR device from Sotabeams with a low pass filter kit. Wanted to ask presume we have the classic not flexi-version. I ordered the classic simply because I’m only really interested for now in the low bands but I am assuming from I have read on line that we could with other low pass kits (and a tweaked LO) make it work on higher bands if we needed to? Perhaps a project for club?
Hope to be fit in a week or so and can catch up then.