New base for Field Day?


NVIS antennas

I have recently been using a half G5RV; very effective for medium distance communications and occasionally Dx.

I recently tried to set up a CW practise sked into north Devon on 40m (7.0 mhz), signals were very weak RST 218 sent at 100 watts with QRM and QSB. Seems this may be the skip zone.
The answer could be NVIS antennas which could also give an opportunity for HF SSB club net, and more contacts in the uk, WAB and SOTA .

Seems worthy of an experiment so Rex and myself will try some experiments as weather allows.

Educational notes:-

You tube:-

Let me know if you set up and NVIS antenna and want to try some experiments

John (M0hfh)

CQ SOTA CQ SOTA Bredon Tower G/CE 003 My first activation of 2022.

Today the wx forecast was cloudy and windy but no rain; I traveled to Bredon Tower with my Hand held 2/70 Baofeng. It was wet and slippery under foot and my skying experience was very useful going downhill on muddy wet grass!. I activated the summit talking to G8LDP in Worcester on 5 watts a qso of 18 miles on 2m, thank you Keith. The round trip from the car park was 3 miles and the elevation for the walk was 184m from the car park. If your interested in joining me on one of the activations i would be pleased with your company.

m0hfh at Bredon Tower

Win an Allstar Node:- enter Bens 2e0BMT’s YouTube competition

Ben 2e0BMT has made a set of youtube videos describing and showing how to build an Allstar node from start to finish.
He uses Peter G7RPG ‘s design.
watch part 1 below for the parts list, – Idiots guide Part 1

to enter the competition subscribe to youtube and like the competition video. competition.

would make a great club project.

good luck
John m0hfh

News from Alexander SAQ Grimeton Friendship Association

On Christmas Eve morning, Friday December 24th 2021,
SAQ Grimeton is scheduled* to be on the air, to send out a Christmas message to the whole world, using the 97 year old 200kW Alexanderson alternator on 17.2 kHz CW.

Transmission & YouTube Live stream
08:25 CET (07:25 UTC): Live stream on YouTube begins.
08:30 CET (07:30 UTC): Start up and tuning of the Alexanderson Alternator SAQ.
09:00 CET (08:00 UTC): Transmission of a message from SAQ.

Test Transmissions
We are planning to carry our some test transmission on Dec 23rd, approximately between 13:00 CET (12:00 UTC) and 16:00 CET (15:00 UTC). SAQ will be on air shorter periods of time during this interval, when we will be carrying out some tests and measurements. Your comments are welcome to

In addition the following stations will be broadcasting simultaneously:-
Amateur Radio Station SK6SAQ
The Amateur Radio Station with the call “SK6SAQ” will be QRV on the following frequencies:
– 3.535 kHz CW
– 7.035 kHz CW
– 14.035 KHz CW
– 3.755 kHz SSB
– 7.140 kHz SSB

have a great Christmas on the radio
John M0hfh

Dates for your diary.

Please keep an I on the programme.

The first event we have coming up is the Chairman’s quiz and social evening.

This will be followed by a two week closure due to the Chantry being closed. 

Coming up in the New Year will be Tiago doing part two of his talk on DMR radio, this one is more practical, get to see it in action.

Introduction to DMR talk.

Tiago was due to talk to the club about his adventures in DMR and give the first of two talks introducing DMR. The first has been postponed from the 3rd of November to a date to be decided, apologies for any inconvenience. 

Hopefully we can see everyone on the new evening.