WSRPlite antenna test resumes

After a small setback (a flat battery) we have resumed transmission using a mains power supply. I have included the DX10 table showing the  best 10 (in terms of range) . The DX10 table gives you a snapshot of the system performance. However it does more as it identifies the time ranges for the spots so that you can identify the best times for DX openings.

DX10: M0HFH – 7 MHz – 200mW

Distance (km) Call Spots count Last seen
2720 EA8BFK 4 2017-12-20 21:42 to 2017-12-21 10:06
2047 OF5C 4 2017-12-21 07:50 to 10:08
1817 OH8NW 2 2017-12-21 07:36 to 10:06
1644 HA7MAC 2 2017-12-21 04:46 to 05:16
1546 SM0BYO 1 2017-12-21 09:46
1538 SM5EPO 3 2017-12-21 08:04 to 09:02
1480 HG5ACZ 2 2017-12-20 22:54 to 2017-12-21 01:20
1405 SM4JST/RX1 9 2017-12-21 05:06 to 09:02
1398 OE3BUB 3 2017-12-21 01:06 to 05:06
1384 OE6PWD 1 2017-12-20 23:04
Average distance: 1698 km


the map below shows the spots in a more visual form and comes from

using filters M0hfh on 40m for the last 24 hours



Wsprlite test of the club 40m dipole under way

Today at around I connected my wsprlite antenna analysis system to the club 40m Dipole after completing the 40m low pass filter. It is now transmitting at 200mw and here is the first image from the spots map. The test will continue for 3 days, i will publish data as the test progresses.

for info on the system :-

Arduino workshops

Last week was the second week with Paul m0zmb  showing  some of his experiments using the Arduino open source electronics platform.  We looked at a full colour LCD display from Tony G0WMB and my (John m0hfh) experiments to link the Arduino and a AD9850 dds module to give a variable sine wave output with a variable frequency from a few kilohertz to 30mhz; a very useful VFO. We stayed later than we should  to test the output using the club radio on 3.5mhz and 7.2mhz  and the circuit achieved our first goal, and a signal was detected at approximatly 4m distance using very crude wire antennas.

Field Day Antenna’s

We have erected Two antenna’s and some tuning is underway,

The first is a ZL7 2-2m 7 element special Yagi on lone to us by Andy ( G7OPB) from Berkeley; on Sunday we measured the resonant frequency  144.4 to 145 bandwidth of approx 600khz however the swr at best was 1.5 and the antenna resistance at resonance was approx 75 ohm.We are in the process of making up a 1/12th wavelength coaxial matching feed to reduce the swr below 1.5.

This antenna will be linked to the club 2m all mode.

the second antenna is a ZS6BKW similar to the g5rv with modified dimensions; we have carried out some initial tests and linked this to the club manual ATU which gave us the following bands for use:- 80m, 40m,20m,15m,10m.

12m and 17m band could not be tuned. Test qso to St. Albans and Coventry gave us 599 on 10w.

This antenna will be linked to The Club Yaesu 450d and we will check that the internal ATU can match the bands as above.

Any other antennas which are erected would be welcomed for comparison.

All members are welcome to use the club rigs during field day.


Commonwealth CW Contest from TSGARC Shack Saturday 11th March 2017

The commonweath contest is one of the longest running contests on HF.
TSGARC will be sending CW this Saturday as part of the commonwealth contest organised by the RSGB. We will be testing a directional 80m loop as darkness approaches on Saturday evening. All welcome to attend and help or take part. Organised by John M0HFH and Rex G4RAE.

RSGB 5G Network Talk

After last nights excellent and informative talk by Gary on Network systems in which a 5G was mentioned, there is a talk at the RSGB meeting in Redland on Monday 28th November by Prof Andrew Nix (University of Bristol) on the 5g network being tested in Bristol.The Network uses Rediffusion infrastructure in the form of underground cabling bought by Bristol University for experimental purposes many decades ago.

Please see the Link to the event below


Celebration of 50 years of the Severn Crossing GB4SBB special event.

TSGARC members will be setting up a special event station on the east side of the bridge at the  Brightside observation point on Thursday 8th September 2016 at 9.30am  transmitting until 5.30pm. We have set up  a page on for information. Rob and Sue will be handling our qsl cards and John m0hfh will be looking after the qrz log and page. We will be pleased to see members or non members interested in this event at the observation point on Thursday.


The institute of civil engineers is also celebrating this event on the west side of the bridge.